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"Provides concrete techniques and tools"

"What's truly fascinating is how accessible these new approaches are"

You are Solving the Wrong Problem

From the book "You are Solving the Wrong Problem"

Chapter 20: Next Steps

We envision a world where strategic problem-solving is not just a skill, but a mindset. A world where individuals have retrained themselves to be curious, resilient, and adaptable. In this world, people are empowered to shape their own destinies and contribute to the common good.

The future holds tremendous potential for strategic problem solvers. Despite the increasing complexity and uncertainty in the world, our tools and resources for problem-solving are becoming more powerful. However, we still need individuals who can think critically, creatively, and collaboratively. We need more people who can harness the power of AI and analytics to find solutions to the most urgent challenges we face.

We envision a future where puzzles are not only seen as a way of learning and having fun, but also as a means of connecting with others. People can apply these problem-solving techniques across various domains, such as education, business, health, and entertainment. The possibilities are endless.

As more people adopt these methods and embrace AI technologies, our society is likely to undergo significant changes. New opportunities will emerge, driven by innovative solutions and the ability to leverage AI in problem-solving. Yet, we will also face challenges. Ethical considerations, privacy concerns, and the need to ensure equitable access to these technologies will require careful attention.

At present, we have only begun to scratch the surface of what AI can accomplish, and only a small fraction of the population has explored its potential. This is an incredibly exciting time to be a problem solver! We hope that the tools and methods discussed in this book will empower you to tackle and overcome every problem you encounter - be it in business, engineering, or your personal life.

So, what are you waiting for? Embrace the strategic problem-solving mindset and dive into the limitless opportunities that await you.

Previous Chapter
Next Chapter

1. Intro to Problem Solving
2. Step out of Auto-Pilot Mode
3. Your most important skill: Asking Questions
4. Solve any problem using the Five Whys
5. AI Prompting like a Pro
6. Invention over Convention
7. How to Reframe a Problem to your Advantage
8. The Diamond Pattern: First fan-out, then fan-in
9. The Problem Paradox
10. Break free from Cognitive Bias
11. From Complex to Simple
12. Common sense is not so common.
13. Use AI for Data Analysis
14. The Curiosity Rule
15. Improve productivity by eliminating distractions
16. Optimization Problems
17. Greenfield or work within current constraints
18. Managing the most scarce resource: Time
19. Challenge yourself with Puzzles
20. Next Steps
21. Solutions to Puzzles

5 star reviews on Amazon

"Provides concrete techniques and tools"

"What's truly fascinating is how accessible these new approaches are"

You are Solving the Wrong Problem